Tuesday, 30 July 2013

"That Girl Is A Machine, An Inspiration To Us All!!!"

I Love to Run

Now let me clarify by adding.....

1.  The above picture was taken at the Warrior Dash 2012, wearing Trevor's medal and Trevor's hat... Yes, that's correct.....I did not run the race  
2.  When running, I do Not like to push myself to the point of exhaustion... Ever!
  I like to run until I'm tired then walk for a bit... (catch my breath)

3.  My preference is to run hills
But I walk up to them (to assure I have ample energy for the climb)

4.  I scarcely pass a bench with a nice view that I don't stop, plant myself down for a moment 
and Instagram a sunrise

5.  I find it torture to pass a playground and not have a little swing
It simply calls to me!

6.  My favorite part of running each day is the big stretch (approx 2 blocks straight)  by the bus stop (crowded with people.) 
I start running as soon as I round the corner and come into bus stop view.  
I pick up speed as I breeze past my fellow morning folk (trying not to breath loudly.)  Then I simply play it cool, maintaining a brisk pace,  till around the corner out of view,  then I B-line it to the park for a "post-sprint" lay-down in the grass.... 

Oh Ya... They don't have to audibly speak my praises... I can see it in their shocked widened eyes as I whiz by...
"That girl is a machine.. and inspiration to us all!!!!" 

I Love to Run... Christina Style

My runs are the space in my world where I don't push myself
where there are No rules
No goals
No self improvement regimen

My early morning runs are My Solitude
The place where I think.. and think.... find another bench.. and think some more

My runs are where I work out my frustrations with God
Talk to Him
Recite scripture and Truth over and over again
(It's easy to do when you are never out of breath!)
My runs the Adventure in my day
Where songs and music download into my head
And sometimes I can barely make it home fast enough to write them down

When I am outside
When I run
When I Enjoy the warmth
The sun
I feel Free
I feel Alive and filled with Joy

And you know what
I get results
I started out last year, not being able to run half a block (no joke)
Now, I can run (should a bear be chasing me) to possibly save my life..... or at least have the confidence that I could outrun someone...
And that is a HUGE survival skill right there

I can also run like a pro, when Trev and I have had a fight and I'm steaming mad....
Oh ya, then I can run till my legs are gonna fall off... fly past all my dear swings and benches in a bitter rage!
Though, these frantic escapades usually end with me having a humbling epiphany, 
halting mid-stride,
doing a 180, and running just as fast back home to say....
"Babe, I'm so sorry"

I have no desire to ever run a marathon
No desire to make a training schedule
In fact, Trevor signed us up for a race this weekend.. and I am just dreading it with everything in me.....
Having a time lined goal sucks all the fun out for me!

There is a reason why I protect my precious running space so much from goals, rules, training
........ It's not cuz I'm lazy or unmotivated
Which one could conclude by sheer observation of me (except the people that I pass at the bus stop everyday.. they think I am hardcore!!)

I protect this space because there is very little room in my perfectionistic, goal setting, rule keeping, organized life
For Christina to be Free

See, though I don't care if I ever improve as a runner
And other than my bus stop audience, I'm not concerned if anyone thinks I'm good
I run for my simple and utter enjoyment
This is
Very different from my mindset in the rest of my life
Areas where I do want to improve
Get better
Areas where I fear that if I don't push myself, 
I will fail

My marriage, for example, is one
Growing up, I lived with my parent's broken marriage and divorce
Then the other failed relationships they partook in to fill the voids and try again
Something inside of me is so bent toward having a different outcome in my own life and marriage than those I see increasingly all around me!
Sadly, my dreams and goals to have a happy marriage has come with alot of striving, unrealistic goals, pushing, work, book reading, military like expectations............

Basically equalling 
all the fun sucked out!
(Like I feel about this stinking race on Saturday!)

As I was running today... well, walking at this point (I was almost in view of the bus stop so I was conserving energy for the long stretch ahead of me)

I had a thought

How different would our marriage be if I approached it like I did my runs?
No goals, no pressure on myself or Trevor..... 
(To which Trevor says a silent but powerful Amen!)

What if I was able to just Enjoy life with Trevor
Stop and Rest
Take in the Beauty
Play on the swings
Run when we have energy and walk when we want to conserve before the big hills
What if our relationship filled us with Joy and Life and Energy
Inspired us to be Creative
Feel alive

What if all the fear of failing, or ending up like my parents was erased and I could just trust that we will get to where we need to be?

Remember, last year I couldn't run half a block without tasting blood .. (seriously)
And now, after a year of Simply Enjoying running.. I have ran 7 KM (when challenged by Trevor...endured it, even though I still tasted blood) and felt really really proud of myself for accomplishing such an unexpected feit in my life

Maybe, just maybe, I could expand my Christina-Style Running Space, let a little Freedom and Joy spill over.  Maybe my amazing husband, a healthy alive relationship is a Gift that God gave us, to be Enjoyed and Received more than be worked and striven for.......

It's got me to thinking anyhow