Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Where Everyone Else Seems To Be...... Except Me

When I'm not sure if all these crazy dreams in my Heart could possibly find a home 

When I get discouraged looking at where I am 

Where I so desperately want to be

Where Everyone else seems to be
Except me....... Sheesh!

When what is in front of me
Seems more than I can even face
Let alone tackle and move past

When my vision is big
But my presence is still so small

When I don't know where to start
All this is like a dimly lit corn maze in front of me
I wish I had the map
...... and a flood light!

When my focus is here today
Loooong gone tomorrow

When my head is constantly in the clouds and I'm needing to fly
But life is pulling my attention to this yellow and brown grassed ground

In all this
I am learning to let my Heart  say
.... Sometimes Yell
Or Cry out
Or dance out in front of my picture window that I keep forgetting to close the blinds on
(Ya... I'm that neighbor!)

God, I trust You
You Love me
You will fulfil Your purpose for me
You will work this all out for my good 
You give me the very desires that You placed in my Heart when You gave me life
I look up right now, Dad
For Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your eyes see what I cannot
You are good
You are here
I belong to You 
I give this all into Your hands and take a massive deep breath

Sunday, 6 April 2014

My Job: To Be Outrageously Loved

Listening to this over and over these early mornings by the fire


About who we are in God
How very very much He Loves us
More and More
Of this revelation 
I truly think that is all we are needing in this life
To overcome
To be everything we want to be
But can't quite get to