Thursday, 20 December 2012

So Long 20's

December 20, 2012

Also, the last day of my 20's.

Tomorrow, I turn 30!

It feels a little weird.  I don't have much to write today, but as I was out on a walk earlier, I felt the urge to write down the things that I am believing for in this next year of my life.

Next Year

I pray that this next year of my life would be one of release
I picture myself standing by a river, my pockets full of rocks... Rocks that represent doubt, unbelief, fear, hopelessness, familiarity, discouragement, judgement of myself, judgement of others, cares and worry. Rocks that have been weighing me down for years.  I can see myself, as I begin to release the stones, one at a time and cast them into the river.  All my doubts about God are replaced with belief.... Plain old child like belief in Him and His words.
A year where I become Carefree in the care of God.  Reckless abandon to live life Fully and completely awake in my soul.

A year to believe that I am simply Loved and Accepted by Him.
The places in my heart where I have held onto hurt and pain, the places where darkness has overtaken and nothing has been able to grow.  I pray that light would flood into every dark corner of my heart. I pray that  life would begin to spring up.

I pray that this next year I would learn to love Trevor fearlessly and with abandonment with God as my life source.  I pray that our marriage would be more child like in love... where we can simply express love freely,  accept love with open arms,  forgive and let go with ease.  My prayer is that both of our eyes be opened and flooded with light to see and understand our Father's heart.  That our true Joy would be found as He makes His Home in us.

I pray that this would be a year of laughter.  A time to stop running from areas where I could possibly fail... and embrace the adventure of the unknown.  I pray that the older I get, the more childlike and Trusting I become.

I'm praying for sleep this year.  Balance and wholeness in my body and mind.

I'm believing this year for my womb to be blessed with beauty.  I'm asking to feel the miracle of movement in my stomach, and a glow from the inside out.  A new life to signify the newness that Trevor and I have begun to walk in.

I pray that this year our roots would grow down, and we would begin to find rest in home.  Continue building this house that makes room for many.  

I pray for a year of deep Peace.  I pray that Trev and I could experience more Peace than anyone knows is humanly possible.  I pray that our lives would be utterly soaked in the Peace and presence of God.

Thank You, Father, for what you have done in my life thus far.  Where you have brought me from.  The life that you have saved me from.  I know that with You, my path drips with abundance.  That Goodness and Mercy follow me all the days of my life.  Help me to see You this year... Like really see You.  Please continue to open My heart to Grace


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