Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Low Rumble Deep Inside Me.......And It's Not Gas!

I dropped one of my pearl earrings yesterday
In a pile of clothes in my closet
These are my good earrings (The ones I always wear when I dress up)
I was in a rush (hence the dropping)
So I put the one, still in my hand, away safely
Shook the top few items of clothing on the ground
No Earring
Inwardly shrug
"Oh well, It'll turn up"

As I turned to walk away
The bible story of the woman who tore her house apart
Looking for a lost coin
Popped in my head

I was more annoyed than anything
Cuz, now I felt guilty for walking away
When this woman went to all that trouble
Looking for a coin!

I Wonder how much her coin was worth?
Mind you, I am comparing it with real pearl earrings....
Usually, I'm the girl with the fake jewelry
But not when I wear these puppies!!

If this woman can spend so much time in a search
I can take a few minutes too

I shook the pile of clothes one by one
After about 3 minutes
Found it caught in my wedding veil
Yes, I keep my wedding veil in m closet and pop it on periodically
Its so Beautiful!!
Don't judge me


Why am I telling you this?

That happened yesterday
And wouldn't you know.....
I am still thinking about it

In fact, I woke up thinking
About Value

Looking at my life and wondering why there are things that I seem to assign 
Very little value to
Even if they are things I Love
When they get lost, or taken, or don't work out
I seem to shrug
And let it go

This seems to be a common occurrence
As I meander back in my memories

If I stain a new shirt, rendering it unwearable again
Sigh..... Shrug
Lose money
Dent the hardwood floor
Scratch a CD
Lend out my favourite book and don't get it back

Yet, this sighing and shrugging
Turning and walking away from things
Doesn't just apply to the small things in my life
I seem to easily let go of so many things

Losing contact with a friend
And moving on without really even looking back

Loved ones passing away
And feeling nothing

Fighting in the earlier years in our marriage
And saying with complete honesty to Trevor
"Leave then"
And knowing if he actually did leave
I would do what I have always done
Suck it up and move on

Like I did when my parents got divorced
I remember the day after my parents told us that Mom was moving out
I went to school and randomly found out that 2 other kids in my class just heard news that their parents were divorcing too
I guess I can't make a big deal out of my loss
Everybody else seems to be going through this too


My mom becoming an alcoholic
And making the choice to not act in the role of my Mom anymore
I don't remember hurting
I just remember cutting ties with her and trudging forward

Maybe I had no choice but to just let go and move on
These things were out of my control
I have this way, though,  of so easily accepting bad or hurtful things in my life
It has become The Way
That I approach life

Laying down
Giving up
Say nothing
Go with the Flow
Passively handing things over 
Turning around and walking away instead of retrieving something precious that belongs to me

For the past few months
I have been feeling something deep down inside of me
It is a low rumble
(Ha ha.. No, it's not gas!)
It resembles a growl

I don't know where it is coming from
It is definitely not something I am actively practising in my Spare time
Yet, I can feel it
Vibrating in the pit of my stomach

For so many years
I have layed down as My Health was stolen
My Joy
My sleep
My Dreams
My Voice
My Peace

If fear or opposition say "You can't have these things.. that they aren't for You"
I've handed them over 
Without a fight
Hanging my head in discouragement 
And simply believing that I could never deserve these Precious Gifts

I've accepted losses and disappointments 
In my life because I didn't really know God
Or really what His Heart was like
How much He Loves me
I didn't understand His Good plan
How Kind He is
I didn't realize that Everything He has is mine
Every Blessing
Every Dream in my Heart is for me
I didn't know what it meant to be a Daughter of The King
I had quietly accepted that bad things, pain, loss, are just life and part of some divine plan
Or things like
 A family
 A Home
Children of my own
Were just not for me
I've watched other woman who are living my dreams
Loving Life
I have felt ashamed
Living in Jealousy, and believing that I could never have that kind of a life

But Now
The growl inside me is getting louder
 As I'm beginning to See
More clearly
As I'm beginning to have my heart filled like a gas tank with His Love

 I'm starting to get Angry

I'm sick of looking at pregnant women
Then looking at my own flat stomach in shame
Recalling all the eating disordered memories, all my past failuresreminding me why I can't conceive
And don't deserve to ever be a mom

I'm sick of watching other women be creative and innovative and take off running in their passions
Then feeling inferior and depressed 
Starring at my dreams in front of me 
frozen in fear

I don't want to feel small anymore
I don't want to cower 
And run away like a scurrying mouse into my hole

I have something to say!
I have something to do!

The devil has stole some really precious things from me
And I have a right to be angry!

Father, thank you for showing me truth.  
Father, I give you permission to keep building this Roar inside of me
  Help me to see clearly, and to not allow Your gifts to be stolen
  I thank you, Father, that You are a God of Redemption and Restoration
You are my Defender
And my Victory
You have made me Your Daughter
All You have is mine
Help me to walk in all You have for me
And Bring Others with me!!

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