Sunday, 29 December 2013

Enriched In Every Way

Do you know that 
In Christ
We have been 
Enriched in Every way
1Cor 1:5

 Enriched means

1. To supply with riches, wealth, abundant or valuable possessions

2.  To supply with abundance in everything desirable,  mind and knowledge

3.  To add greater value or significance to

4.  To adorn or decorate

5.  To make finer in quality, as by supplying desirable elements or ingredients

I was reading 1Corinthians this morning and this word Enriched just jumped of the page at me

I 've been giving life my best shot... 

Some day's thinking 
"You've got it Christina!"
Other days wondering if I will ever get this!

I guess when I  read that God has already Enriched me in every way
In Christ
I'm grabbing the word right off the page of my bible and 
Plugging it straight into my heart

Enriching something is all about adding what is needed to something to make it more valuable

Well, I know that today
God says that He has added to me everything that I need

He has even Enriched my food and drinks and blessed them to my body

Just think, Christina, You don't need a thing
 You've got it all
 All God's gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for Jesus to arrive on scene for the finale
  And not only that, but God Himself is right alongside
To keep you stead and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.
God, who got you started on this Spiritual adventure
 Shares with us the life of His son and Jesus.
He will never give up on you
 Never forget that!
1Cor 1:7

Where do you need to know that you have been Enriched today?

I know for myself
I need to remind myself that God has Enriched my sleep and rest
That He has Enriched  (added) Wisdom to me
For some situations that I do not yet have the answers for

I don't think it's in my dna to not give life my best shot
In every single area of my life
I can recognize that I need God to 
To Supply
To make
To add Value 
To Enrich me

God, thank you for Enriching me
My life
Thank you that I can rest in Your finished work in me
You are right along side of me
Your presence is here with me
Supplying me with everything I could possibly need
Adorning and decorating my life
Making every part Beautiful
What an honour to be Your child
Help me to put my faith in you
Instead of my best efforts

You Love us so much
You are so involved in every detail of our lives

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