So, at Mercy, I started keeping a journal of all the ways that God said
I Love You
to me everyday... little things that are dear to my heart, things that only He would know.
Little notes from Heaven that touch my heart.
As I started doing this, I found that it made me really excited to add to my list everyday, and also opened my eyes to ways that God was
"I love you, and I know you so well"
I've gotten away from my Love Journal over the past couple of months.... I still notice the little things. Often, I'm finding though, that stress, worry and fear have made up the majority of my entries. It seems as though my focus has turned from more child like excitement in God, and how He provides, to discontent and worrying if and how He will provide.
I want more Joy.
My word for this year is
As I was on a run the other day, I had a thought, very clearly, in my mind (out of the blue)
It takes courage to fully live in, and enjoy each moment, receiving it as a gift and trusting that the one who holds the next moment is bigger than me.
This hit me really hard.
How many gifts do I miss or blow by, or rush through because I am worried about tomorrow, or next week, or 5 minutes from now?
Fully Live
I want living in the moment, and receiving every moment and gift that God gives me to be a lifestyle.
I want my eyes to be open and looking for His Love..... Always.
I have started taking pictures..... pictures that wouldn't mean a thing to anyone else.... but they capture moments where I know so deep inside that God is with me, and He delights to see me get excited, and smile.
He Loves me. He Loves me Constantly. He Loves us all constantly.... It's so easy to miss his Love notes though.
My Love journal is cracked open and the pages are filling with line after overwhelming line of His finger prints in my life!
I am a daughter that is thought of by her father, minute by minute.
Here are a few of my favorite Love Letter's that I want to share... from the past few days!
Surprise Candles set out for me after my shower!
Walking by the ocean at Sunset
This is a CD that Trevor made me when we first met. Just found it again recently. I used to listen to it over and over again. All of "Our" Songs!
Our new chair that I've been spending my mornings in. My new favorite place.

Picking Berries on our walk.... The ones up high are the best!!
The smallest house ever in White Rock!
I love double digits..... they make me so excited! I saw more than 20 in 2 days!
Everything's gonna be OK!
Everything's gonna be OK!
My sister in Law, Tanya works for West Jet and was in Vancouver for the day. She called and asked if we wanted to come and hang by the pool at her hotel.. which turned out to be more like a Mexican resort. Beautiful day. Beautiful Company.
When I was little, we didn't have much money, and I used to dream about having matching sheets, a nice bed set and lots of pillows! (All of ours were 2nd hand and totally mismatched) I would cut pictures out of magazines, and make collages of my favorites..... It just struck me the other day that I now have matching sheets, and I am so Thankful!! I actually Love making my bed everyday!

Went for a run. I wanted to talk to God, so I laid down on the side of the road, and stared up at the sky.
I had to hold my phone up so that people wouldn't think I was dead or something.
I had to hold my phone up so that people wouldn't think I was dead or something.

I prayed that I would love water........ and I do now! That is a miracle!
Trevor always takes the time and writes out the directions for me wherever I need to go (these ones are to the movie theatre) He also gave me the free movie ticket that he got for his birthday, so that I could go to a movie with Jenna.
He is so sweet and thoughtful....... all the time!
I'm a very very lucky woman!
He is so sweet and thoughtful....... all the time!
I'm a very very lucky woman!
Had a date with Jenn. Coffee, and a movie! I love that girl. Had a great time.
Asked Trevor to get me a glass of water . He came back with ice water and a lemon wedge! I felt so special!
Our fridge was broken for like 2 weeks. We couldn't keep any dairy.........
We have milk now!!!!!!
We have milk now!!!!!!

We went to go and rent a movie at the Red Box...... a guy gave us 2 free rental coupons!
When I went to return the movie the next day, he gave me 2 more!
Sweet....... date nights for a month!
When I went to return the movie the next day, he gave me 2 more!
Sweet....... date nights for a month!
Trevor playing guitar.
Simply said....... I just Love him!
Simply said....... I just Love him!
God, I pray that the eyes of my heart would continue to be opened to see you in my life. Like it says in Ephesians, that I would experience your Love, though it is too great to understand fully, and that I may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God!
Father, I thank you that you are able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ever ask or imagine...... according to your power thats at works within me.
Thank you for Loving Me so
Brown Eyed Susan's by our building... reminds me of Saskatchewan
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