I'm still unemployed
I actually got the job at RW&Co, but turned it down after learning that it would be every Saturday and some Sunday's. Which are the only days that Trev and I have to go on adventures and explore BC..... so working weekends are really not an option for me. Which is why I don't have a job yet. Which is also why I was looking forward to the office job at the non-profit organization. (I'm not writing the actual name..... lol)
Now, I can honestly say that when it comes to jobs... I really don't have a whole lot of fear. I love to learn, I'm friendly and outgoing, and a damn good worker. When I go in for an interview, I am usually really confident that I will add to the company. It doesn't matter what kind of work I am doing I cannot help but put my whole self into it (the Martha Syndrome I guess). I have also never had a bad interview that ended in me not getting the job.......
Until now
Tuesday morning was my interview at the non-profit organization office. I was in the week before to drop off my resume, met the boss and chatted with her for awhile (she was extremely nice and outgoing!) I was sure that I would have a shot at this job. I'm not going to lie, I was not overly excited about the job itself. I am not super driven at the moment, although I care, I'm just not consumed with passion for the cause right now, (if you know what I mean) .... or office work, but it was a job. A Monday to Friday job.
We all know I've been struggling with sleep, and by chance, the whole week before my interview was crazy busy, very very little sleep (especially that prior 2 nights). By Tuesday morning I was a Zombie. I tried my best to look presentable (but I didn't really care). I drove there, trying to keep my eyes open, head pounding. When I walked into the office for the interview, I couldn't even fake my usual chatty, enthusiastic self. I hardly had the energy to stand up.
To my surprise, in the interview office, was the nice chatty woman, as well as a very serious looking woman, holding my resume (that was marked up with her pen), and who seemed to eye me up and down instantly in disapproval. (Could be too, that I was just super over - sensitive..... it's kind have been a way of life lately :)
I'm thinking "Oh God, I think I'm in over my head.... I have nothing to give, and no show to put on right now. I don't even want to be here. How am I supposed to convince these people that they want me here!"
Interview begins
Nice Woman: What do you know about the Organization?
Me: (Thank God, I glanced at the poster on the way in that gave me some clues!) Um... You help people to have a chance at life.(?)...... (Really, Christina??!! A chance at life?!) (I didn't even take 5 minutes before hand to look on the website to learn anything about this company.... Bad move!)
Nice Woman: Well, thats a part of it... ( then she went on to explain all the things that the program entails..... )
Serious Woman: ( Jumping in) Why did you move to BC?
Me: My husband and I had the opportunity to come out live for a change in our lives. To go on an adventure ( I knew that I really didn't want to or need to tell them about Mercy, or any eating disorder stuff... but it's so hard to explain why we are out here without going in to everything)
Serious woman: Oh, then how long are you living here for?
Me: Um, (feeling like she wanted me to say 10 years) probably 1-2 years.
...... Not what she wanted to hear.
Nice Woman: Okay, can you tell us one strength you brought to one of your last jobs, and one weakness, let's say, at the bank.
Me: (Feeling very flustered, mind reeling... head still pounding) A strength, is that I am super organized and a really diligent worker, and I bring a very positive attitude. And weakness (long silence as they stared at me and my mind went blank. Finally, I said the first thing that came to my mind....) Stress. I would get super stressed out and found it hard to separate work from home. (OMG Christina!.... What are you saying!, I thought as I could hear the words exiting my mouth).
Worst Answer Ever!!!
Nice Woman: Have you learned now how to manage stress?
Me: Yes. (What else could I say? So, that's all I said. Yes.)
Serious Woman: (looking down at my marked up resume) I'm a little concerned about the large gaps in between your past jobs and the short working times at each. Can you explain this to me?
Me: (feeling really hot now, and openly fidgeting under the pressure..... What in the heck do I say???!!!)
Shoulders drop
Lump forms in throat
Tears fighting to pour
Me: (looking serious woman right in the eye) Honestly, I had an eating disorder for a lot of years. I tried my best to work when I could but there were times when I wasn't well and couldn't. Also, that is another reason why Trevor and I are out here in BC, to get away, and have some time together apart from our old life.
Serious Woman: (looking satisfied that she now had the missing piece out of this suspicious puzzle) Are you better now?
Me: Yes. (I didn't feel like I wanted to elaborate in the slightest)
Nice Woman: (jumping into the awkwardness) Well, we all have struggles. I bet it's made you stronger.
Me: Yes. (Humiliated and thinking... I just want to leave now)
There were a few more questions about computer knowledge (which I have next to none). Event planning experience (Which I have a lot of, from the Youth event planning days). And letter writing skills (Which, I love to do!).
They told me that they will take the week and see if there is a place that I could fit in with my particular skills and call me........
I shook hands and I was out..... of ........ there !!!!!
If they actually did call me, and if by some heavenly miracle told me I got the job... I would honestly say "What, are you crazy??!!"
I have to say, too, in all fairness to the serious woman... she was just doing her job... No offense... really, she did nothing wrong. (A smile may have helped me though :)
Was it because I was tired? Was it that I really was not motivated work there? Or was it God closing a door?
Who the heck knows!!
I'll laugh about it someday I'm sure....... I'm kind of laughing now, although, it'll be funnier when I have another job!
So, on the lighter side of life... and YA! There is one!! Trevor and I have been having lots of fun times... some rough days, some tired days, stressful days, questioning days.... but lots of Fun days!
Beating him at crib! (I'm the green!)
Cooking Together ( Hawiian Chicken Nacho's)
Trevor did the Warrior Dash (a 5 K race in Vancouver with obstacles)....... Fun Day!

Trevor Introduced me to Tim Tam Slams! We had then at 9:30 AM with breakfast, last weekend.... not a good idea!
Changed our bedding to turquoise summer sheets (not by my choice.... now I have to freeze at night because our green comforter doesn't match..... Yes, I know that no one can see my comforter at night... but, It matters to me!!)
found $20.00 in the parking lot!

Went to an outdoor movie in our complex, with some friends - The Hunger Games. It was surprisingly good.... Had to close my eyes a few times though.... What's new!
And lastly.......

Well, That has been the past few weeks in a nut shell.
Still need a job though :)
I Trust You! I Trust You! I Trust You! (?)
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