The more you are conscious of the fact that
are God's
the more you will
walk in His
unmerited favor in every situation!
Joseph Prince
Definition: (Christina is:)
A person who is
greatly loved; dear to the heart
Synonyms: AKA (Christina is:)
Cared For, Cherished
Darling, Dear, Dearest
Doted On
Endeared, Esteemed,
Hallowed, Highly Regarded, Highly Valued
Near to Ones Heart
Pet, Pleasing, Popular, Precious, Prized
Respected, Revered
It's overwhelming and almost unreal to think that I am all those things to God.
I am the one He calls His be·lov·ed
Song of Songs 2:1-2
Young Woman (Christina)
"I am the Spring Crocus blooming on the Sharon Plain, the Lily of the Valley"
Young Man (Jesus)
"Like a Lily among thistles is My Darling Christina among young women"
There are some behaviour(s) that I have been desperately wanting to change in my life. Things that I'm embarrassed about. Things that I just plain don't want to do.. to be.... As a Wife, a Woman, a Mother to be, and a Daughter of God.
I am the type of person that if something needs changed, I will make a plan... make some rules and guidelines for myself, and make sure that thing is cut out of my life.... ......This lasts for about 2 (maybe 3) days, and then I collapse in a heap of failure and self loathing, cower in shame and keep a safe distance from God (who is "obviously" disappointed in me)
This is normal Christina strategy. A few weeks ago, as I was making my feeble plans for change in these particular areas, I felt God ask me (very clearly) if, instead, of working to change my behaviour (doing things like I have always done.. without the desired results) if I would just focus on the fact that
He loves me.
........ Wait a sec.....
"So, God, You don't care if I fully engage in these behaviours... You just want me to think about and focus on the fact that You Love me... and change Nothing...???!!"
You have to understand how backwards, wrong and lazy this seems (in my mind.) How can I change something, if I don't try and make the effort... right??
I am God's be·lov·ed
So, for the past few, I have been making a huge mind shift to focus on the Love God has for me. No matter what I do or don't do... I am so Loved. I am so accepted, cherished, prized, adored....
Lol... nothing has changed... outwardly..... yet..... but I am beginning to feel like God's Love for me is more unchanging and solid than I did before.... (not so up and down)
If His Love is not based on me, and my behaviour (good or bad)..... (And trust me, my behaviour and goodness changes as often as Calgary weather forecasts!)
Then, His Love is based on Him and more stable than I am. I can trust that if I change, His Love doesn't....
Mind Blowing... thought spinning and headache causing to me
I am learning so much about Grace.... and as a friend told me last night.. "Learning about Grace is a process"
I am so thankful for Holy Spirit, friends, teachers, mentors... and my husband who are helping me to grasp this concept that is amazingly foreign to me!
God does not leave me alone to figure this out...
I am the One God Loves!
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