Monday, 4 March 2013

A Heart In The Snow.... Just For Me

As I prepare my thoughts...... I am bombarded with reasoning on what is "acceptable" and "unacceptable" to write on
There is a voice that would say, "You are self absorbed. Your blog is depressing and a downer. Who wants to read stuff like this?  You should talk about more light and positive things... More people would read your work if you did!"

 It really is!
There is another voice inside me that just longs to be real and transparent 
I am on a journey.... a journey to Joy, and Peace, and Freedom to be me.
I want to be able to share my thoughts freely.... no matter what others may think......

So here goes.....
The following is a snip-it from Christina's mind.......

Unskilled.... Like I mean, no training in anything
Emotional, like any ideas thought up and pursued are fanatical ones and have
 No follow through
A Perfectionist (only with self) that quits and Gives up when perfection is not met
Constant Approval seeker
People pleaser
Directed by feelings
Big dreamer with No motivation
Easily Stressed and Anxious
Unstable in mood and actions
Striver to be good
Unsuccessful in a career
Comfort eater
Attempter but often falls when walking free of an eating disorder

I think its human to see our own shortcomings...
 Not all of us verbalize them, talk about them, or write them on a blog......
But Verbalized or not, our failures or fears of our shortcomings being exposed, seem to drive us in life... (Mine do anyway)

Drive us to strive to change
Pretend to be someone we are not
Try to be someone we are not
Seek to just be Accepted and Loved for who we are

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of living a small life trapped by my own stinking limitations.  
I feel sabotaged my my own self efforts to improve my impoverished state.

If you read my blog, you know that I am beyond fascinated with Grace.... Well, I should add.. frustratingly fascinated.
This concept that things are not about me...... They are about Jesus
God Loves me because He is Love
God blesses me because He has placed me in His Son
He forgives me and heals me and comes close to me because He took all my punishment and put it on His perfect Son

Now I am perfect in His sight
Now I am enough (no matter what I or anyone else sees in me)

I can say all this and grasp it in my head... but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of my day to day life... I find this so difficult to apply....  My eyes so easily lock onto myself "Limitations" and find myself getting hopeless.
1.  Because when I can't really do anything, when I fall short of my standards, when I feel unsuccessful at everything the world would deem successful....... I feel hopeless
2.  Because when I am a success, when I do it right, and good, constant...... I know this story inside and out..... this will only last a few days at most.... and then I am back to point 1..... and feel hopeless.

I feel like I am at this place where I have nowhere else to look but to God.
I am an utter mess.... I can't even begin to tell you.
I can't even imagine how I could be different from all the things I wish were different about me.
I don't see how I could live the life I wish I did
I don't understand how my dreams could come to life.....

His word
It says so many different things about what He can do
About who I am now in Him
About the plans and the purposes He designed for my life

He uses the weak, the helpless, the unskilled, and unwise.......

Well, If that was a job posting (helpless, weak, unskilled), I would definitely apply for that position (with confidence)... sounds like a job that I might excel at..... I may even add to the talents section of my resume (emotionally unstable, easily stressed, cries alot, has no direction for the future)

I read this devotional from Joseph Prince this morning
Holy Spirit is really faithful to lead me to little nuggets of encouragement everyday that really speak what I need to hear.

God, I don't want to live a life based on mine or others standards and expectations of success.  I want You to be the loudest voice in my head.  I want You to be the one I search out in the crowd to see if Your smiling at me.  I want Your opinion of me to be the platform that my life is built on... 

however You designed my life to look

Father, I need Your Grace.
I just plain old need Your Super Abounding Grace because I am so in need
Teach me how to Really Live
My father, who Loves and Adores me

Help me to Believe You


1 comment:

  1. I'm touched. Beautifully expressed. Reads like a modern day Psalm.
