Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Digging For Gold

So far, today has been a bit of a Treasure hunt for me!
I Love Treasure Hunts.. especially those set up by Holy Spirit !!

I woke up at 5 AM... Soooo Tired, and desperately asking God to help me go back to sleep.   A verse popped in my head.

Clue #1
Isaiah 26:3

I kept saying this verse over and over in my head and under my breath.  I started to think about Perfect Peace and what that would look like.

Clue #2
I instantly pictured (Luke 8:22-23)

 One day He (Jesus) and his disciples got in a boat. “Let’s cross the lake,” He said. And off they went. It was smooth sailing, and He fell asleep. A terrific storm came up suddenly on the lake. Water poured in, and they were about to capsize. They woke Jesus: “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”

Perfect Peace looks like Jesus asleep in a boat during a terrific storm, with water pouring in the sides so much that they were about to capsize!   Jesus is sleeping, and probably would have remained sleeping had the frantic disciples not woken Him up with their shouts.

So I started thinking.... How is it that Jesus had the ability to sleep during such a terrible storm?... 

Clue #3
This verse popped right into my mind.
Ephesians 2:6
And He raised us up together with Him (Jesus) and made us sit down together with Him in the heavenly realms  in Christ Jesus 

Maybe Jesus was able to sleep in Peace in the boat that was about to capsize because He was physically in the in a storm, but in His Spirit, He was seated in the Heavenly realms with God, out side of the wind and waves.  

I drove Trevor to work and pondered these verses.  They rolled around in my head as I struggled to keep my eyes open and drive.  
How in the heck do I apply this Perfect Peace of Jesus in my life today.  
God knows I need Peace today.

I am feeling the weight of stress.  It's like a heavy piece of plywood that I'm carrying on my back, feeling the fatigue and strain on my body.  
We leave for Phoenix tomorrow.  I have a giant to do list to get done today... and by giant... I mean Giant!  As far as I can see,  there is not a whole lot that I can cross off..... these are all things that need to be done... somehow.

To be honest, I feel like taking a Tylenol to dull the headache, and crawling into my bed for the whole day... saying "Screw packing, screw booking a train ticket and places to stay in Australia."  "Screw cleaning our condo, screw the move back to Calgary.... Its too much for me!"  The water is pouring in over the sides of my boat and I am about to capsize!  And truthfully, right now I feel a little pissed off at Jesus (not really... but kinda) sleeping because I wish I could be that Peaceful and Trust God like Him, and be seated up in Heaven sipping PinaColada's.. But I'm here in this boat and I'm freaking out, and if one more person tells me to just relax... I may seriously snap!  

I am trying to relax!

Whew.... I guess I am a little frazzled... But I think the disciples were too.... and I'm sure they were a little annoyed with Jesus as well.

Luke 8:24-25 says

The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
When Jesus woke up, He rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm.

 Then He asked them, “Where is your faith?”

Where is my faith?  Hmmm... good question Jesus.  I think You know exactly where it is.  Right where it's been for awhile.   It's in me.  My faith is in my own ability or inability.  My faith is in the natural elements in my life, my circumstances..  Although the verse said that Jesus fell asleep when the boat was smooth sailing..... Man, I can't even fall asleep when it is smooth sailing in my life anymore, because I feel like I have to be on guard for the next storm.
I live in constant danger alert....... 

Where is my Faith?

Clue #4
I came home, skipped the coffee and crawled into bed, opened FB and there was a link to a Joseph Prince message called "Keep your Eyes on Jesus."  Hungry for Revelation I listened.

Only 10 minutes Long

I was blown away,  the message was so relevant to my previous Holy Spirit Clues this morning!   Different storm, same scenario.

My life is being tossed by a waves right now.  A storm of stress and worry, waters of insomnia, a huge wind of circumstances and question marks that I have no ability to control.

But, in my darkest hour, Jesus does not leave me alone.  He comes to me walking on top of the water.  

The very problems that are threatening to overwhelm me.

Jesus, You are above the Waves in my life.  You are so much more powerful.  If You told the waves to stop.. they would!
You are with me.  You are training me to stay seated with You in Heavenly realms, like You were in the boat.  Training me to sleep during a storm, knowing that my future lies in the hands of God.  
You tell me that I can command the storm to be at Peace (just like You did) and rest knowing that it must obey You.
Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding me today, for teaching me.
Help me.  Help me to walk in Peace.  Show me Your way.  Help me to walk on water and keep my eyes on You... in the storm, and in smooth sailing.

Help me to Believe


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