Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Once Again, Joyce is Right.

 Truthfully, I find it hard to Believe that something exists when what I see with my eyes is so real and so opposite.
For example, It's difficult to Believe that God gives me sleep, and that I have the ability to sleep, when I don't sleep.


Believe that I'm Healthy and Strong when I feel sick, tired and weak.
Hard to believe that our marriage and communication is getting better when we have hard weeks and seem to constantly fight about the same old stuff.

This Believing is harder than I thought because what I see and feel and hear, what has always been seems to take prescience over what God says.

So, I thought this morning as I was driving back from taking Trev to work.  Right now, I may not be able to Believe for constant sleep, but I can Believe that God is helping me and giving me the ability to sleep longer and longer.
I can believe that I am getting healthier and stronger everyday.
I Believe that our marriage is and will get better and better.  I Believe that God's Love is maturing in us and we are growing in Love and Respect for each other each day.
I can Believe that God is teaching us, and that our eyes are being opened more and more every single day to who He is.

Like Joyce Meyer always says
"I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was!"

I'm so thankful today that God never leaves or forsakes us in our weaknesess.  I'm thankful that He is making us into what He wants us to be in spite of all that we see in ourselves that says otherwise.  I'm thankful that He works behind the scenes, behind what we can see, feel, or hear.  

I'm holding onto that today!

Song in my head this morning


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